Alfred Lawson / Baseball Fiends

Between 2009 and 2013, I maintained a Typepad blog entitled More Fiends to give post-publication updates to my book Baseball Fiends and Flying Machines. Although I stopped posting to that blog over a year ago, I left it online until now. [I believe WordPress is a stronger platform; and also wanted to create a blog for all my projects, not just one title.] Since publication, I’ve collected more items on Alfred and George Lawson; and at the same time requested that McFarland designate that the title is out-of-print.

Potentially, I have enough material to create a revised edition, although I would probably only do so through an ebook platform, since the market would be very limited. That’s somewhat down the list of my writing and promotion priorities, since I have a new title forthcoming in early 2016 from SUNY Press, as well another another one being researched and written right now.

If anyone is trying to track down posts from that Typepad blog, contact me and I’ll provide a copy.